Screenshots of the day

Sharing screenshots of today's work! Enjoy :-) 

(Dialogue with mom prior to being given the first quest)

(Showcasing day/night light in early morning hours)

(Showcasing outside. Player carries weapons on his back while running. Also slime is attacking us with projectiles in the screenshot)

Cacildes Adventure featured on Meltube channel

Version 0.1 was featured on Meltube channel! Check it out:

Thank you for the feedback and showcasing the game to the world! :-)

Hello y'all!

Welcome! In this blog I'll be posting updates about a game I'm developing since January 2022.

It tells about the journey of a boy and his dream of joining the king's army. The game will follow the departure from his mother's homestead onwards to the kingdom's capital.

Gameplay is heavily inspired in Dark Souls, with some mechanics borrowed from Sekiro. There is a day / night system which manipulates NPCs, events and harvest materials. There will be cooking and alchemy systems presents as well.

Here's a draft of the game's world map for the first few hours:

Episode 1, which was released in September 2022 and is available for download in the Downloads section, featured Cecily Fields and Slepbone Cavern.

Episode 2, planned fore November or December 2022, will see Episode 1 remaked with new gameplay, and probably a bit more gameplay afterwords.

Game is being developed in Unity 2022. All code is being made available in github.

Stay tuned for more updates!