
In this page you'll find all the game's released builds, since version 0.1 all the way to the latest version. If some link is not working, please reach out to

- Release 0.3 (December 2022)

Some major updates that were introduced this month. Here's the list:

  • Added bonfires, levelling up and retrieving lost coins
  • Added lots of gear options and a new weapon, the bastard swor!
  • Added shields
  • New enemies, bosses and areas to explore
  • Added ladders
  • Added accessories which enhance gameplay
  • Added bow combat
  • Fixed several bugs and rebalanced enemy loot
  • Added ability to pass time while resting on a bonfire
  • Save game option has been replaced with automatic saving upon resting on a bonfire
  • Added better support for gamepad and improved UI resolution

- Release 0.2 (November 2022)

A major rework of version 0.1. Includes a more souls-like gameplay, with free camera and a parry system like Sekiro.Major features added: day/night system, multiple save files, major UI rework, gamepad support, alchemy crafting, book reading and more!Explore at your own leisure, and don't forget to share feedback.

- Release 0.1 (September 2022)

At the release time, this was labeled as the first episode, and acts as a prologue. Its main quest involves a bear that has been causing trouble in Cacilde's homestead. Cacildes must track the bear and take care of it.

This episode will be redone in version 0.2, which will contain the new gameplay. Moving forward, the game will no longer be presented in episodic format.

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